FAQs about Xeniid Pathogenic Disease
(Infectious, parasitic)
FAQs on Xeniid Disease:
Xeniid Disease 1,
Xeniid Health 2,
Xeniid Health 3,
Xeniid Hlth./Pests 4,
Xeniid Hlth./Pests 5,
Xeniid Hlth./Pests 6, Xeniid Hlth./Pests FAQs on Xeniid Disease by
Related Articles:
Soft Corals, Family Xeniidae,
Related FAQs: Xeniid FAQs 1, Xeniid FAQs 2, Xeniid FAQs 3, Xeniid FAQs 4, Xeniid ID, Xeniid Behavior, Xeniid Selection, Xeniid Compatibility, Xeniid Systems, Xeniid Feeding, Xeniid Reproduction, Soft Coral
Propagation, Soft Coral
Health, Alcyoniids,
Sick Xenia... Pathogen transmitted?
11/26/03 Hi: <cheers> I have (had?) many nice colonies of
xenia that have been thriving for more than 10 months now and have
threatened to take over the tank. At any rate, two days ago , I
noticed yellowish lesions/scabs on many of them and they are
beginning to wilt and dye. Attached are pictures. Do you know what
it is and how to cure it? <it appears to be a pathogenic
infection. I have had much personal experience with culturing
Xeniids (had over 3K colonies in my coral propagation greenhouse
for more than a few years which paid the bills... led me in part to
write the Book of Coral Propagation, etc). Frankly... this has the
"look" of an infection shared from another coral you
recently brought into the tank without quarantine (Ack... say it
ain't so! <G>). It could have been something so literal
as the purchase of a Euphylliid (Hammer, Torch, Octopus, etc),
Clove polyp, etc that didn't acclimate well and simply petered
out... but not before sharing this bug. Or... it could have come
from the introduction of anything recent without QT that is still
healthy and simply served as a carrier. Please (!) do yourself a
favor and read, understand and employ proper quarantine protocol
for all livestock (plants, algae, fishes, corals, snails...
everything). If not for the lives depending on you... then for the
sheer value/investment in your tank> The tank is a 225 g with
two refugiums (~40 g each) and deep sand beds in all three (~5
inches). An AquaC EV240 skimmer that is cleaned daily, 3- 250W 10K
metal halides w/supplemental Actinic 03 PC. Water testing shows pH
8.3, no NO3, no PO4, CA 420 mg/L, Alk 4 meq/L., Iodine is averages
0.4-0.6 g/L, SG 1.025. I perform a 50 gal water change every 2
weeks. <all good indeed> The temp is about 78 winter, 82
summer. I probably need a chiller but haven't invested in one
yet. <yikes! that is one heck of a swing... but forgivable if
the trend is slow as I believe it is> Any advice is much
appreciated. Thanks, Wes Combs <frankly... there is not much to
be done presently. Daily iodine doses instead of larger less often
doses may have a stimulating effect. The addition of ozone may be
good too. But neither are likely to effect an immediate cure. You
may lose some or all very quickly. Xeniids suffer infections
poorly. Do examine your QT habits or lack thereof. Best regards,
Anthony> |
Sick Xeniids bob....pulsing Xenia starting
developing sores. these turned into yellow scabs that smelled to high
heaven. have lost about six stalks so far. started flushing infested
ones. not all of the stalks infested. still have about six or seven
that are okay. any treatment. never had to ask for treatment of corals.
have 55, sump, 15w UV; Berlin skimmer, 403 Fluval; 2-110 VHO; 2-40
actinic 03. have quit eating pizza's late with anchovies but we
still have the flat black Nudibranch. haven't moved to Florida yet
but am pricing 180 gal. for the new house. thanks, Jim nix >>
Yeeikes... at first try, would change a huge amount of water (like
half), stop all other additive use... but do apply a source of iodine
to your water... a small amount... daily... If losses continue,
consider taking colony out and dipping in half freshwater and seawater
and half dose of malachite (freshwater Ich remedy) for ten minutes to
arrest bacterial (secondary?) infection... Bob Fenner