FAQs about Soft Coral Trauma
on Soft Coral Disease:
Soft Coral
Health/Disease/Pests 1,
Soft Coral Health 2,
Soft Coral Health
3, Soft Coral
Health 4, & By Family:
Alcyoniid Health,
Alcyoniid Disease
Alcyoniid Disease 3,
Alcyoniid Disease 4,
Alcyoniid Disease 5,
Alcyoniid Disease 6,
Alcyoniid Disease 7,
Alcyoniid Disease 8,
Alcyoniid Disease 9,
Alcyoniid Health 10,
Alcyoniid Disease 11,
Alcyoniid Health 12,
Alcyoniid Health 13,
Alcyoniid Health
14, Alcyoniid
Health 15, Alcyoniid Health , &
Nephtheid Disease,
Xeniid Disease,
Xeniid Health 2,
Xeniid Health 3,
Soft Coral Disease by Category:
Diagnosis, Environmental,
Infectious/Parasitic, Pests,
Related Articles: Soft
Dyed coral gonna die, sorry to say 12/29/04 Ok Guys,
lets play what soft coral is that..... <OK...> It looks a little
bit like a contorted Sinularia flexibilis - more compacted though - or
a fine finger leather - LOTS of fine fingers and really contorted
together. Plus its hot pink - almost fluorescent like a Dendronephthya.
<this is a dyed coral... commonly shipped from Indonesia. It will
die in days to weeks most likely as it does not feed organismally on
anything we can offer it prepared. As such, it cannot be carried
nutritionally until its brown zooxanthellae recover> This specimens
about 8 inch across and the same in height and kind of compact oval in
shape. Polyps are short too.. I am in Thailand, and getting reliable
info outta these aquarists (I use that term loosely) is near
impossible. Anyone know it. Its a new one to me.. <very good to see
you research this before buying it. Its a shame and a sham that such
dyed animals are sold. Deplorable> If you do know it, is it easy to
keep and does it have any special requirements with food or lighting.
Its been in the store a months as its 5000 baht (about
US$100) - a months salary for some people round here.
<even more insulting/sad to read/know> It has one dead finger
that is brown and seems to be falling off, but overall its unharmed...
lots more fingers They are keeping it under bright fluoros.
Brett Moloney, Bangkok <continue down the right path as an educated
consumer... do not buy this creature and in time the dreadful practice
will stop. Read more information here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dyedcorals.htm
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dyedanemfaqs.htm best
of luck, Anthony>
Green Finger problem (?) Hey Gang, how you doin'?
well I hope. <very fine with thanks> I finally got some
clear pics. of a green finger coral in hopes that
someone might be able to diagnose the base of this beauty, I
don't have any experience on what the appropriate course of
action should be. <a very common problem with
"colored" leather corals. They are very sensitive to
handling. Please avoid touching them with a bare hand at all
times. Handle only the base or tissue with gloved hands
otherwise> Its been in my tank for three days, and the base
looks worse by the day. <it is highly infectious although
looks mild here so far> It looked nice at the store (a little
frayed at the base) though I probably shouldn't have
purchased, but, I reckon hind sight don't apply
here. Thanks for the Your friend in Denver, Scott <simple
solution here. Have a VERY sharp razor blade or scalpel ready. A
needle with clean nylon thread (or fishing line) ready and
waiting to stitch too. A piece of small rock or rubble as well.
Move 3/4-1" above the highest necrotic area of the base of
the stalk. Cut clean and fast through the animal. You must wear
gloves and keep the procedure down to a minimum time of handling.
After the cut, look at the exposed trunk and be sure that you
cleared the soft and necrotic area... if so, run a stitch or two
through the base (no more than an inch from the bottom) and tie
it off to a piece of rock. Return it to the exact same place it
was in the tank and do not touch it for weeks. Maintain strong
water flow and very aggressive skimming in the tank. Small daily
doses of iodine may be therapeutic for the tank too (not extra
iodine... just your weekly dose broken down to daily). Best
regards, Anthony>
Re: Green Finger problem (?)
Thanks for the info, it will be easier for me to perform this,
"MASH 4077" style surgery, out of the water. Will these
be ok? <yep... it all takes mere seconds> Just one clean cut,
eh. <correct> Is the corals tissue tough to cut thru, like
muscle? or, will it be like a hot knife thru butter? <rather in
between... the tissue is quite soft but infused with calcareous
spicules> (just paged my head nurse to the emergency room,
stat!) Wish me luck, we're goin' ............Thanks,
Scott <Banzai! Or is it bonsai? Both I suppose. Best
of luck! Anthony>
Comments on Remora Pro Protein skimmer Hey
Gang! How you's doin'? I just read a readers comments on
e-tailers selling the Remora Pro Protein skimmers. I recently
purchased one from Marinedepot.com. The total cost on the Pro model
w/Mag 3 pump + the skimmer/bubble trap was around $270 including
shipping. This protein skimmer kicks butt! It was producing dark
skimmate after 3 weeks. I did contact the Aqua C company with a
concern for the lid that didn't fit quite right, and the Prez.
of the company, Jason, sent a new one that was here in
two days! <indeed... beyond producing very well designed
skimmers (great value too), his customer service is legendary. AT
least rare in our industry. All part of why you see us recommend
these products often> A wonderful product & company to deal
with - IMO. <very much agreed... thank you for
sharing the kudos> Anthony, I performed the "Mash
4077" surgery on the green finger today, and found it to be a
little tougher to cut thru than imagined (took 2 cuts). It went
from being the size of a softball to smaller than a golf ball
<natural> & was very hard to get a stitch in.
<surprising but no worries. Rest easy if you saw no systemic
infection (rotting up through core)> I managed to get it loosely
attached (I think) to a piece of rubble and the current hasn't
knocked it off yet (keeping fingers crossed-mine, not the corals!)
<excellent... the key is to leave it alone no mater how grumpy
it looks for weeks (short of rotting)> Will it attach to the
rubble quickly? <within a couple weeks> I noticed when
performing the cut that a clear reddish liquid "bled" a
little. <yep... be very careful to never get this hear eyes, in
cuts, etc. Hence my admonition to wear gloves> I was thinking,
as the cut was taking place, I can't believe I'm actually
doing this! Anyway, thanks a lot for all the help all you's
guys give to all of us! I know I certainly appreciate it! Your
friend in Denver, <with kind regards, Anthony>
Green Finger coral surgery Hello Anthony, I
assume that an alcohol swab to wipe the new razor blades machine
oils off before the surgery, will be in order. <yes... and also
wipe the oil off the fishing line if you use it instead of sewing
nylon thread> After cutting the necrotic tissue off, I'll
make an X pattern with two stitches holding the coral to a flat
piece of (1 1/2"x 2 1/2") cup coral rubble,
how tight/loose should it be tied? <not very snug at all... they
are temporary and will be cut away in weeks after the coral
attached. We simply want to keep the coral in place and propped up.
Can be done with rock and rubble just the same like a campfire...
but lees reliable. Do stitch> The DKH in the tank is 10.52DKH,
is to low to promote healing or does it matter (slowly bringing the
levels up with SeaChem's Reef Carbonate), <your dKH is
fine... you've been listening to Nazi sps keepers somewhere
that want your tank to test like liquid lime <G>. 8-12dKH is
normal and safe. Consistency within this range promotes growth...
not a target number. No worries> also, reef iodide won't be
here for a week or so, will start dosing upon arrival.
<excellent> Would you wait for the DKH to come up &
iodide to show up before doing MASH 4077 maneuvers like this?
<nope... this is a potentially virulent infection that can kill
this coral and others in the tank. You are lucky it is moving slow
now... uncommon. Cut it ASAP> Definitely looking forward to your
book showing up! Your friend in Denver, Scott
<thanks kindly! Anthony> |
Dyed Sinularia Hello, <Hey Barb>
<<and whassup, from Antoine>> My LFS received 8
Sinularia/Finger Leather Corals (1" long fingers) which are
going fast due to the very intense, bright shade of yellow...we're
talking "Yellow-Tang Yellow". I see in Anthony's
book that these corals are seen in shades of yellow but I was hesitant
and managed to control myself after hearing so much lately of dyed
corals from Fiji. Thoughts? Barb-- <I am
suspicious... Will send on to Anthony as well. > Bob F>
<<I completely agree. It sounds quite dubious that these are
natural. While the are many gorgeous colored Alcyoniids... few are
collected for out trade and all are familiar (Common Tonga/Fiji green
or yellow fingers... on rare occasions a blue/green Capnella). If the
coral you see looks too good to be true... it probably is>>
I wasn't able to see obvious signs, dye dripping on the rock
;-/ <<Hmmm... does this litmus test work for men and women
who dye their hair as well...heehee>> ...if it's in
fact the genuine color, then dang it, I want one! Barb--
<There are some quite yellow Sinularia and other Soft
Corals... but none I've seen that are as vibrant yellow as a
Tang... Bob F> <<as Bob has said above, and with the
knowledge that these corals are a common target for dying... I would
not be surprised if it is unnatural. If they will let you take a
digital pic, send it along. I suspect that we can have a better idea
with a look at the coral. Anthony>>